Residents on the front line in Berlin’s housing revolution
Faced with skyrocketing rents and powerful real estate empires, the citizens of Berlin are fighting back. They have forced the city’s authorities to take up the issue by freezing rents and protecting apartment blocks from speculators. A referendum campaign is under way that would go…
Energy transition. A small German district shows the way
Although Germany has failed to meet its climate objectives, and energy companies are still clinging to coal, a small district North of Berlin is showing the way. Commitments made by both local authorities and citizens to renewable energy have paid off, with renewable energy sources…
The german activists and cities rising up against the car industry
In many German cities, efforts are underway to shift focus away from cars. These include a ban on old diesel cars and a push for more cycling infrastructure. In a country where carmakers sit at the throne of the economy and have a major political…
Getting privatisation undone puts centre-left in good shape in Hamburg
In September 2013, 51% of the electorate voted to “re-municipalise” the local electricity and district heating networks, as proposed by grassroots initiative “Our Hamburg Our Grid”. And while the energy debate has only played a minor role in this year’s election campaign, it has increased…
How can we strengthen municipal agendas with international networks?
An interview with Florian Schmidt, District councilor for building, planning and facility management in Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, Berlin at the Our Common City conference in Budapest (February 22 & 23, 2019). Part one: Part two: Part three: Photo: bady qb
Berlin builds an arsenal of ideas to stage a housing revolution
Berlin inhabitants are discussing a series of radical measures to limit private interests and reverse the housing crisis. The struggle, led by citizens and supported by the municipal government, could be on the cusp of a housing revolution. However, this revolution could founder due to…
Urban sanctuary: The promise of solidarity cities
Activists in Berlin have been trying to adopt the concept of Sanctuary City to try to improve urban living conditions while simultaneously work on the further development of the political concept itself. Learning from other self proclaimed cities of change, rebel cities or solidarity cities …