This is a crowdsourced project and we depend on our community, our readers and the municipalist collective to help us feed the site with relevant content. There are different ways that you can collaborate with us!
We’re constantly looking to discover new topics. If you know of organizations, issues, movements, actions, activists, events, etc. that you think we should be covering more, please let us know. Also please tell us why you think this topic is so important and relevant to the current moment.
If you know of a specific topic that you think we should write about and publish in our magazine then feel free to write a brief description and include specific contact information that will allow us to reach out to the people and organizations involved. You can also propose a potential author you think it might be interesting to ask to write a piece. If you want to write an article yourself, please go to the “submit an article” page.
Sometimes one comes across a great article or publication and wants to save it and share it. That’s what our database is for! Please share with us the links to videos, press articles, reports, papers, etc. that you have stored about municipalism or new ones that you happen to find.
To be able to cover issues related to the municipalist movement that are happening all over the world we are constantly looking for people who can help translate content into English and material that is worth translating to a global audience. Let us know if you have any translating skills or material that you think we should translate.